October 19, 2017

Having A Great Time

Hi All,

We're at 109 subscribers right now. Maybe it will drop down a bit, but views are up as well. I've started working harder at Uni as well, so that's good for my mental health. Also, Ihasnotomato has been having an orgasm every day. He gets super excited when he looks at the changes that Team Fortress 2 will experience when the new update drops. So, if you're into watching videos of people being excited, and if you haven't already, then please check his Jungle Inferno Update videos.

This morning, I recorded the audio for the Top 10 Videos and Video Of The Month for both August and September, so hopefully they will come out soon. I just have to manage my assignments and hobbies well enough.

Also, Yooka-Laylee is absolutely hilarious right now. The last two episodes, maybe even three, have been non-stop silliness. Our videos aren't always like that, because we're real people with our own emotions and lives, so add the latest Yooka-Laylee episodes to your watch list as well.
That's everything.

Bye All!

September 21, 2017

Slamming It

Hi All,

It's been a pretty sweet time here at AIM.

We're closing in on getting the band back together. We're producing more episodes every week (full schedule) with three episodes of Yooka-Laylee and three of Maj Mak. And we're making cool stuff for our 6 years/100 subs celebrations.

Also Liam has released his webcomic called Kass the Psychopath, and it's pretty interesting and tingles your emotions a little bit. I don't want to exaggerate how good it is, so I'll under-do it.

Bye All!

September 6, 2017

Maj Mak and Darwin

Hi All,

If you haven't noticed, we have no more Yooka-Laylee to upload onto the channel. However, we do have a whole lot of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask to upload. We recorded for 6 hours straight.

The reason why we haven't recorded more Yooka-Laylee is because Liam is away in Darwin to do an art retreat and focus on his webcomic called Kass.

This means we're humming along at two Maj Mak (our nickname for the game) episodes per week, but I think I should make Saturday another day for it. This is so that we get a new episode every other day, with a gap for the Sunday rest.

That's about it. I don't have much more to tell you.

Liam also did a video showing how he made the thumbnail art for the series, so here it is:

Bye All!

August 16, 2017

Extending the 6 Year Anniversary

Hi All,

I know I can't literally lengthen the 6 Year Anniversary of AIM, but I can lengthen the celebrations.
I'm saying this like I'm in charge of everything. I'm not, but it was my idea to celebrate 6 Years of AIM.

Last night Liam and I recorded audio of us discussing our favourite moments, recalling things that we've done and the people involved.

We were going to have Frank in it, but he wasn't available for some reason. Normally he isn't available, but I have been in contact with him lately. He said he would be available on certain days, but it all comes down to everybody being ready at the same time. I may have to think about this more. This whole thing could have been planned better.

Bye All!

August 14, 2017

Humble Beginnings

Hi All,

Tomorrow is AIM Industries' 6 year anniversary. Thinking about the history of the channel and group, I think it's time that we post some screenshots of the channel as it has grown. So here they are!
24th August 2013, 7 Subscribers 
 26th February 2014, 11 Subscribers

23rd January 2015, 24 Subscribers

1st June 2015, 30 Subscribers

2nd January 2017, 41 Subscribers

 19th January 2017, 44 Subscribers

18th February 2017, 47 Subscribers

14th August 2017, 94 Subscribers

July 13, 2017

Where We Are Now

Hi All,

It's been a while since the last post and things have changed a little, so here's an update.

Liam was uploading the Sonic Adventure 2 series while my internet was bad. It's good enough to upload videos with, so I'm uploading the final batch of episodes. Liam uploaded episodes 29-36, which I edited and titled. Episode 37 and onward are all edited and uploaded by me. I also made all of the thumbnails for the Sonic videos, so really he just uploaded and described his batch of Sonic videos.

Okay, that's everything!

Bye All!

PS: We should really remove the TF2 logo from the schedule as we don't have any recorded.

June 13, 2017

Internet problems

Hi All,

For the last few weeks, I (Mabeanie) have been without a stable internet connection.

This is why one of those weeks was without videos. Ihasnotomato didn't want to upload any videos if there was only going to be Yooka-Laylee.

At a sweet YouTuber party, we organised to have him come by my house and pick up the edited episodes of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. So, since last week, it has been Ihasnotomato uploading all of the videos.

Right now I'm using wi-fi, but I have a lot of homework to do. Anyway, it is unfair on him to be uploading everything while I'm kicking back and writing essays. I don't know what his situation is right now, but I would certainly like to have a balanced workload for IM Industries.

Also, our subscribers dropped from 93 to 90 in the last few weeks, and in the last few days has picked up again. I think it's because we weren't uploading much, but who knows. Maybe it's because we stopped uploading TF2 stuff.

That's everything.

Bye All!

March 24, 2017

Long time no post

Hi All,

It's no secret that we have recently experienced a lot of growth when it comes to subscribers, views and audience retention. By the time we recorded our 50 Subscribers Q&A answers video, we had reached 62 subscribers. We are now on 72 subscribers. Just so you know, we organised to record the Q&A questions video the day that we reached 50 subs. So we gained 12 subs from the 22nd of February (when we hit 50 and released the questions video on the channel) until the 6th of March (when we recorded our answers video). From the 6th of March until today (the 24th), we gained 10 subs.

So what else has happened?

We uploaded our answers video and got a lot of views for it.

The Team Fortress 2 videos consistently get lots of views as well, but not as much, at around 20 views per part.

Liam's present to me for my 21st birthday was the "Deep Thoughts" animation he posted. It's much better than anything I've made, but I post more animations, aiming for a balance of quality and quantity.

We have recorded more Portal Stories: Mel (and have finished the game now) and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, so everything's pretty straightforward until Portal Stories: Mel finishes or we run out of TF2 stuff, which I expect to happen soon.

Ok, doodly-doos.
That's your update.

Bye All!

February 23, 2017

50 Subscribers Q&A - Ask us your questions!

Hi All,

I just posted our Q&A questions video, so feel free to post your questions there in the comments of the video, here in the comments of the blog (although I'll have to remember to check there) or on Twitter!

Liam will do a video on his channel asking for questions, and in a week we will answer them.
So please look at our stuff and ask us some questions. Ask us as many as you like!

Bye All!

February 20, 2017

February 17, 2017

Reform Part 4: Changing the blog

No need to greet you, seeing as I've already said hello.

This is the awkward "I forgot my wallet and keys" bit, when I waltz back into your house and pick up my stuff, then leave and say goodbye again.

However, this isn't awkward. It's very sexy.

The IM blog now has a logo and a sweet new header bar. I also changed some colours, for links and the title description. I spent the last half an hour making tiny changes so that it would be perfect. Right now, I really like it. I hope you do as well.

Bye All!

Reform Part 3: Changing the name

Hi All,

I'm listening to Eating Food in the Shower by Ninja Sex Party.

Anyway, I've finally changed the name of AIM on Twitter and YouTube to "IM Industries".

I don't know what else can be changed. The blog will need some kind of update, too.

Maybe even a new IM logo!

I think I'm getting less upset about the changes. Maybe they're necessary for a more comfortable transition. It's all part of the YouTube experience I've made for myself.

We also want to do a 50 subscribers Q&A, so keep that in mind.

Bye All!

February 6, 2017

We Talked About It

Hi All,

After publishing the last blog post, I spoke to Liam. This is what he had to say on the topic of replacing Frank:
Well in all honesty it's not something I've considered too deeply, I rather consider Frank almost irreplaceable and now its just become our channel, I guess I wouldn't mind having a replacement, but the number of people to do that job are very slim if not no one at all. ~Ihasnotomato, 6th February 2016 (Punctuation fixed and capital letters added where necessary by me)

We discussed it further and we've come to the conclusion that I've simply been upset with the results of last year. 2016 was the first dive downhill ever for us. Every year beforehand had seen growth, but not 2016. 2014 and 2015 were both really good years for AIM Industries and it's hard to understand what we did wrong. We gained subscribers, but not enough to make the year look good. Views dropped from almost 4000 to just over 2000. Sub gain halved to 6. Likes dropped from 149 to 86. Female viewers percentage dropped from its peak of 13% to 4%. That's a huge drop, so it's hard to understand what we did wrong. Maybe the time period in which these things happened would be able to tell us more.

2016 was a very significant year for us. It signaled the end of AIM as a channel and the beginning of a new era for the group. We can hardly call ourselves AIM anymore.

It's not all sad news, 2017 is looking to be an exciting year. I have more animations to work on. We have a big project that we've been slowly chipping away at. Maybe we'll release it this year. Who knows! Every year is exciting, so it's good to take 2016 with a grain of salt and march into 2017 with our heads held high and our chests pushed out.

Bye All!

A Replacement for Frank

Hi All!

Recently Ihasnotomato have been joking about offering people the job as the A in AIM Industries. We haven't really discussed it in depth, but for me it's less of a joke and more of a proposal.
Since Frank left, we've found it difficult to run multiple different series at once. The workload is weird right now because of how much stuff we've recorded. The empty Saturday slot is a problem that stares me in the face every time I look at the channel. Believe me, I look at the channel a lot.

Our jokes have been from offering one of our guests the job to offering a guy on the street that looked like Frank. My belief is that we should find someone to replace Frank. Who it should be comes down to two factors. One is that they are a friend. The other is that they have an interest in being part of the channel and working on it. The best part about Frank was that he was the only friend we had that was interested in uploading videos.
I will have to get Liam to put his thoughts on the blog so that we understand what we're dealing with.

Bye All!

February 2, 2017

February 2014

It was a big month in two ways.

In the beginning of the month, Ihasnotomato rebooted his Let's Play channel to accommodate his enlarged audience gained from his G-man theory.

At the end of the month, Mabeanie finished up his series on YouTube and moved to AIM Industries so that it would be his only channel. His goal was to focus on growing the channel and giving it everything he could think of to make it bigger.

One coming and one going.

At that time, Akirasora thought he was just going on a holiday to the United States for a few months. He hasn't come back yet.

January 23, 2017

So, some things

Hi All,

I've noticed a few things I spoke about in the last couple of blog posts aren't very good at explaining the current situation, mostly the schedule and where everything's going to fit. To be honest, I was pretty confused myself before I spoke to Liam today at our IMstralia Day 3 recording session.

To set things straight, Mario Party 2 will end and be replaced with our next Console Gaming series. When World of Goo is over we'll replace that with the next PC Gaming Series game. We have decided on it, but we won't say until the first episode is out. 

I noticed a thing I said in this blog post might be confusing when you read the next one made. I said that I was working on an animation, but it was going to need more work. A couple of days later I released the double IM Animated. The part which may confuse you is that I have actually got a bunch of animations in the works, which is pretty exciting to think about. So the double IM Animated is not what I was talking about in the blog post. I was talking about one that I decided on in the months before we finished Poke'mon Colosseum.

There is also an idea for a GM Animated which I came up with while doing the tags for one of the GM videos. I won't say what it is because I like a grand reveal.

And then, my goodness, I have another one in the works. I don't work on everything I do at once, but my plans are eventually to finish that Animated and post it onto the channel for all to see.

I think 2017 is going to be a big year for AIM Animations.

Bye All!

January 19, 2017

I'm feeling proud

Hi All,

Just been chilling out and working on my comics today, but, after having another look at the AIM channel, I can't help feeling proud of what we're doing.

It isn't easy for a channel run by one person to upload a video every day. We're uploading videos daily and sometimes even uploading two videos.

How is this all possible? The reality is that we do upload a video every day (except Saturday and Sunday (for now)) and make sure to organise more recording sessions, make sure the videos are edited with our intro, background and outro. If both of us had a day job, we'd be very busy. But instead, we make videos, draw pieces of artwork and chip away at projects years in the making.

My Pyro set in Team Fortress 2 by ihasnotomato on DeviantArt
So I'm proud that every single day (again, almost) we manage to upload new content that can be entertaining. The recording sessions are often spaced out and sometimes take place at different locations. AIM Industries was established in 2011. Since October 2013 we've been uploading videos daily, with the allowance of one or two days for relaxation (or homework :P).

I'm proud.

Bye All!

January 12, 2017

Where's all the new videos?

Hi All!

On Tuesday the 10th of January, Liam and I recorded the next Console Gaming Series. I told him that it is his turn to upload everything, as I have been doing that for most of the last month. I changed the channel art to suit this. Liam is happy with the new schedule.

This all sounds like good news. However, you may have noticed no videos have been uploaded so far. Liam has told me nothing, so I've sent him a text message asking about the situation.

Dammit. I've been going to these writing tutorials and am paranoid that I'm doing something wrong, even though I might not be.

Anyway, I remember offering to upload some of the stuff in order to have a balanced workload. He said it isn't a problem. This leads me to believe either that something has come up or that he misinterpreted what I said. I didn't say when the new schedule would start.

The problem is that we have heaps of 2016 videos that, for whatever reason, cannot be uploaded (Liam's stuff), and some 2017 videos that are not in the schedule. Because the 2017 videos are not scheduled for upload, we can't upload them.

Meanwhile, I've edited the first two episodes of the next CGS game. I have an Animated in the works, but, because it's not urgent, I haven't done much work on it.

This situation is out of my control, but I'm trying to get it resolved.
 We'll find out!

Bye All!


January 9, 2017

Complications with the schedule

Hi All,

So things are gonna get complicated now that Dark Souls with Ben is finished.
Luigi's Mansion will be replaced with more Mario Party 2.
Liam has more World of Goo to upload.
Time Fcuk is finished.
Tomorrow we record the next Console Gaming Series game.

So the complications are really that G.M. Industries will be replaced with World of Goo.
Mario Party 2 will come for one round and [I don't know how many] episodes. The next CGS series will replace that.
It's a bit complicated, so that's why I'm writing it all down here.
Time Fcuk we might not replace with anything. We'll find out tomorrow.

So this is what we're looking at. I don't know why it feels so complicated. It's probably that not everything's finished. World of Goo we finished recording ages ago. Luigi's Mansion, we all know, is over now. Time Fcuk is over.

Mon-Wed-Fri: World of Goo, later replaced with another thing we won't announce until the first episode is up.
Tues-Thursday: Mario Party 2, later replaced with the next CGS series, which we start recording tomorrow.
Saturday: Nothing yet.

Now it all makes sense to me. I don't know about you.
Bye All!

January 2, 2017

2015 Year in Review

Hi All,


So Liam and I did the 2016 Year in Review maybe half an hour ago, and afterwards I asked if he was interested in doing the 2015 one. He said it had been too long since it should have been made, so I said I'll do a blog post version.