September 19, 2021

Our first Minecraft session done!

 Hi All!

Mabeanie here to say that Akirasora, Ihasnotomato, and I just finished recording our first session of Minecraft and the first session together since 2015 and Metroid 2. We recorded for 4 hours and did some cool stuff, things got a little crazy and heated at times, but at the end we're still chums and now the brain's gonna be working on cool stuff we could do in the future.

Stephanie's got her work cut out for her with three different views. Oh boy she's gonna hate synchronising all of our recordings up. Ugh.

Anyway, that's it!

Bye All!

September 10, 2021

Minecraft confirmed

Hi All!

Today Akirasora, Ihasnotomato, and I (Mabeanie) played some Minecraft together on a Realm to make sure that nobody was having connection issues or anything. This has stopped us in the past, so it was important not to get too excited before recording. Now that we've got that test out of the way, we have scheduled time on the 18th of September to have our first session with all three of us for the first time since 2015 and Metroid 2. That's a little surprising. Liam and I have each made series with Frank, but not the three of us. 

Minecraft will be the first indefinite series that we've started since our original attempt in 2012. All of us will be recording and the views will switch between us depending on what is most interesting at any particular instant. 

Liam and I have also decided what game will succeed Twilight Princess, but of course we won't reveal it until a) we have recorded it, and b) the first episode is published. We will run three episodes of us playing Worms and then the next series will start. 

That's everything, and hopefully it all goes nicely and we don't have any trouble.

Bye All!

September 6, 2021

We finished Hollow Knight and Twilight Princess

 Hi All!

Yesterday we recorded the ends of Hollow Knight and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. Stephanie smashed through editing the Twilight Princess episodes today and I've worked out that the last episode will go up on the 2nd of October. I don't know when Hollow Knight will finish, but it depends on how the episodes go. She does try to cut the episodes down a bit so that they're just the good parts. 

Anyway, the main concern for us is what will run alongside Minecraft. We have discussed my idea of doing Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2005) where Liam plays and I be the expert. We have also talked about doing Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but we don't like playing games from franchises immediately after one another, so we've never done it. We could of course return to Borderlands 2 or 3. Those series were good when they last ran. It's not immediately concerning, because we have about a month to work out what we're going to do. I'll give it a few days before I give Liam a list of what we could do. I am very keen on doing another I.M. series at least. It's been good for my mental health, spending time with friends.

 So yeah, that's the latest and see you next time!

Bye All!