September 10, 2021

Minecraft confirmed

Hi All!

Today Akirasora, Ihasnotomato, and I (Mabeanie) played some Minecraft together on a Realm to make sure that nobody was having connection issues or anything. This has stopped us in the past, so it was important not to get too excited before recording. Now that we've got that test out of the way, we have scheduled time on the 18th of September to have our first session with all three of us for the first time since 2015 and Metroid 2. That's a little surprising. Liam and I have each made series with Frank, but not the three of us. 

Minecraft will be the first indefinite series that we've started since our original attempt in 2012. All of us will be recording and the views will switch between us depending on what is most interesting at any particular instant. 

Liam and I have also decided what game will succeed Twilight Princess, but of course we won't reveal it until a) we have recorded it, and b) the first episode is published. We will run three episodes of us playing Worms and then the next series will start. 

That's everything, and hopefully it all goes nicely and we don't have any trouble.

Bye All!

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