December 3, 2012

The Future of A.I.M. Industrial Films

Hey guys,
Mabeanie here to tell you how things are going with A.I.M. Industrial Films.
First off, it has been a VERY long time since Akirasora, Ihasnotomato and Myself spoke about things so I'm not sure about what I'm about to say.
Secondly, Adventures In Minecraft, which was to be our first series, may not become what it has the potential to become. This is because we don't really care that much about Minecraft anymore. In a better structure, we couldn't give a bigger hamster about Minecraft... At all!
Thirdly, what does this all mean? I don't know, but I will certainly ask Ihasnotomato about it and we'll see how things go from there. I only hope that this project lives its potential lifespan as it should.
Finally, the reason for the large gap since we did anything about A.I.M. is my fault. I stopped doing games to focus on my future. There is nothing wrong with sacrificing something for the greater good, so that explains the gap.
Thank you for your co-operation, and I'll be with you soon on more matters concerning A.I.M. Industrial Films.