April 3, 2014

Time Out.

Not time out for AIM, time out for me (Mabeanie). I have been getting less time lately to edit videos, so the next one, which was meant to go up last night, should go up this night. Thursday night. Here's what I said on the channel's recent activity page:
  • Tonight's video is going to be a top 10 and best video of march.
  • and then: Nope, sorry. I was robbed of time today and simply can't get the video up. In fact, the only thing I actually accomplished today is that I filmed the day. And made my bed. And did some washing. Yeah...
So for me I will try and make the videos as short as possible, but keeping the best bits in, like the styles of KSic and Swooshie Games.
I hope this will broaden the audience a little with people who are interested in shorter videos coming and subscribing to the channel.
Thanks and bye.