January 18, 2020

Been busy, y'know

Hi All!

We at SAIM Industries hope you're having a good time. Obviously we haven't posted any videos so far this year, but that's because we're real-life human beings who have stuff going on. I (Mabeanie) have been doing the working a proper job thing while Ihasnotomato has been reorganising his life into a format that he's happy with. Further detail on the latter is found in a blog post on Tomato's Patreon if you have a dollar to spare. Otherwise you can wait for the Twilight Princess episode in which we talk about our resolutions for 2020.

This brings me to the next point. We did have a recording session in which we recorded some more Twilight Princess. Tomato also told me that there is more Borderlands 3, but he's been reorganising his life like I said, so bear with us while we get ourselves sorted for the long year ahead.

Stephanie's on holiday at the moment, timing it perfectly alongside our real life dilemmas. Some time in the next few weeks, we'll get back into regular uploads. Hopefully we'll find a game to do for Australia Day and also set aside time for recording it. This would be our sixth consecutive annual SAIMstralia Day Special.

Meanwhile, SAIM's step-sister Pickle-Shaped Peanuts is uploading videos every Saturday and it features Mickell Pickell and Angrove playing V8 Supercars 3. Their dynamic is awesome and hilarious. I orchestrated the whole thing.

If you don't care for off-brand SAIM Industries, I have been posting content on my Mabeanie Talks channel every Wednesday in a series with Ihasnotomato called Mab and Tom, in which we talk about stuff. No limits really. We talk about me and my YouTube work, but also about anything else. When I don't have a Friday afternoon shift and the house isn't too noisy, I record myself yelling at video games and being philosophical in my long-running show Friday Night Fun on Mabeanie Games. The video quality is intentionally bad because I don't want to wait 5 hours for a HD render of me sucking at video games for 50 minutes.

Anyway, check those out and if not we'll see you in the comments of Borderlands 3/Twilight Princess soon enough!

Bye All!

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