Mabeanie here again to let you know that I've just scheduled a bunch of A.M. Civ 5 episodes. Akirasora and I recorded them ages ago, but Stephanie had all sorts of madness going on and only now have we managed to get things sorted.
I had a quick look at the title of the last blog post, and at the time I was very motivated to win 2020. It is now six months later, and my motivation has taken a pretty big hit in that time. Nevertheless, I am definitely keen to get some more videos out there, record more with Akirasora and Ihasnotomato, and have some good things to say about SAIM Industries in 2020.
Sidenote, we passed 300 subscribers a few months ago and so that's nice.
That's everything for now. Hopefully more recording sessions and videos soon.
We at SAIM Industries are determined to make the next six months of social isolation due to the current pandemic a positive time.
First of all, because Ihasnotomato and I (Mabeanie) record Hollow Knight and Twilight Princess together in person, we will put both series on haitus until the pandemic ceases. This will start once we run out of episodes from the last recording session. We are taking this very seriously.
Secondly, Akirasora will hopefully join me in doing an A.M. Industries series of Civilization 5.
Ihasnotomato will get to do whatever PC series he wants with either the three of us or himself and either myself or Frank (Akirasora). We will be doing mix and matching of different combinations of game and hosts to turn this period of social isolation a positive period for SAIM Industries. Bringing Frank back into the mix will be a hugely positive thing for us, as we started the group with him.
We will post further updates if our plans change. Frank is in the United States of America and is in social isolation, like we are strongly encouraged to do in Australia.
Yesterday we had another recording session. It was for the Hollow Knight SAIMstralia Day Special, but Ihasnotomato had a new idea. Not only would we be recording the special, but it would also serve as the hour-long first episode of a new series replacing the Borderlands games. He's tired of playing Borderlands and wants to do something else for a while.
Beginning this week, we will be running Twilight Princess and Hollow Knight as our two series. This also ends our PC Gaming Series because Hollow Knight is being played on the Nintendo Switch and so both of our series are now console games. This might make things a bit messy when we eventually finish Twilight Princess or Hollow Knight, because either game could have whatever we feel like as the successor game. We will deal with this when we come to it.
Anyway, I am happy with the quality of all upcoming Twilight Princess and Hollow Knight episodes. We talk about some interesting stuff and the gameplay is quite good as well.
Just a quick post to let you know that we will be returning to Borderlands 2 in place of 3 starting next week. We will also post our sixth consecutive annual SAIMstralia Day Special in which we will play Hollow Knight, which was made where we live in Adelaide, South Australia!
Usually it's not easy to find an Australian-made game to play for the special, but we have a few choices this year and we've organised a day, which just happens to be Australia Day itself.
We at SAIM Industries hope you're having a good time. Obviously we haven't posted any videos so far this year, but that's because we're real-life human beings who have stuff going on. I (Mabeanie) have been doing the working a proper job thing while Ihasnotomato has been reorganising his life into a format that he's happy with. Further detail on the latter is found in a blog post on Tomato's Patreon if you have a dollar to spare. Otherwise you can wait for the Twilight Princess episode in which we talk about our resolutions for 2020.
This brings me to the next point. We did have a recording session in which we recorded some more Twilight Princess. Tomato also told me that there is more Borderlands 3, but he's been reorganising his life like I said, so bear with us while we get ourselves sorted for the long year ahead.
Stephanie's on holiday at the moment, timing it perfectly alongside our real life dilemmas. Some time in the next few weeks, we'll get back into regular uploads. Hopefully we'll find a game to do for Australia Day and also set aside time for recording it. This would be our sixth consecutive annual SAIMstralia Day Special.
Meanwhile, SAIM's step-sister Pickle-Shaped Peanuts is uploading videos every Saturday and it features Mickell Pickell and Angrove playing V8 Supercars 3. Their dynamic is awesome and hilarious. I orchestrated the whole thing.
If you don't care for off-brand SAIM Industries, I have been posting content on my Mabeanie Talks channel every Wednesday in a series with Ihasnotomato called Mab and Tom, in which we talk about stuff. No limits really. We talk about me and my YouTube work, but also about anything else. When I don't have a Friday afternoon shift and the house isn't too noisy, I record myself yelling at video games and being philosophical in my long-running show Friday Night Fun on Mabeanie Games. The video quality is intentionally bad because I don't want to wait 5 hours for a HD render of me sucking at video games for 50 minutes.
Anyway, check those out and if not we'll see you in the comments of Borderlands 3/Twilight Princess soon enough!
Mabeanie here a with a big load of numbers for you.
2019 was indeed a good year. We gained 44 subscribers, currently sitting at 277. We got 3035 views and 241 likes, which puts 2019 into the all-time top three years for SAIM. Keep in mind that we've been operating this channel since 2012. 3035 views is third best behind 2015 with roughly 3900 and 2018 with 3500.
From the picture that I've put up the top there, we've been steadily improving from a shocking 2016. We actually did a review video for that year. Here it is:
While we haven't had lots of comments like in years before, at 121 compared to 144 and 132 the last two years, we've loved the engagement from those who have commented and I've made the effort to reply to all comments that I thought deserved some kind of response. That is, I replied to most of the comments.
Also I don't know if YouTube is broken, and it almost certainly is, but the demographics find us at 100% female audience. So that's almost certainly wrong. We had 0% in 2018 and 6% in 2017.
We posted roughly the same amount of videos as last year with 174. It's been a pretty chill year in terms of content, with Mario Sunshine, Metroid Fusion, Mario Odyssey, and Twilight Princess being the console games, and then Borderlands 2 and 3 as the PC games. We also did a one-off Minecraft video and two rounds of Worms Inbetweenie.
Who knows how 2020 is going to go. We plan on continuing Borderlands 2 and 3 and also Twilight Princess. We have ideas on what we want to do after Twilight Princess, but there's heaps of Borderlands to go through and so we're not too fussed. We usually get it sorted out near the end of the series. We'll also probably do a SAIMstralia Day video, but we haven't discussed it yet. It's been difficult the last few years, but we haven't been looking super hard.
Overall, 2019 was our second best year of all time, second to 2015 which isn't too far ahead of where we've been in the last year. It's hard to predict the future, so we can only go with our plans and hope that things work out. Optimistically, I think that 2020 could beat 2015 and become our best year. On the other hand, we did have the 2016 experience but it's hard to be sure of what contributed to the results that year.