November 16, 2019

Twilight Princess is getting closer

Hi All,

Ihasnotomato and I (Mabeanie) recorded a conversation for an upcoming series on one of my channels last night, but we also organised the day that we will record The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for the Wii U released in 2016.

This has been five years in the making as first of all we had to recover from the loss of what we thought was a great recording session in late 2014. For those who don't know, we originally recorded Twilight Princess for the Gamecube, but our audio recording for our voices failed and so we lost that crucial bit that makes our videos our own. We were very upset, but we wanted to eventually come back to it. I think that we will discuss the original recording session at the start of this Twilight Princess HD one. Then we can move on, talk about the game, and have a good time. Both of us are quite fond of the game.

Anyway, that's your update. As usual, we will continue to post Borderlands 3 and Mario Odyssey three times a week, but when Twilight Princess starts you can be sure that it will be in there.

Bye All!

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