February 11, 2014

A Video Update.

Hi all,

Mabeanie here to let you know that yes, we've had a big rocky start at AIM this year. I myself have only missed one day of uploading this year.

Just after Christmas however was not the best time for any of us. Liam, Frank and myself were all busy with our families but we'll be back on that schedule we've been intending to work by soon enough. In fact I just messaged Frank to ask him why he hasn't been uploading to AIM recently.

My video will be up tomorrow and Liam has been doing his best not only to upload to AIM on time, but to upload to his Ihasnochille channel by its schedule too.

I'm going to be finishing up on my personal channels (I have 3!) so I can work on fun stuff for AIM. I'm thinking we can do lots of behind the scenes vlogs and little sketches too.

Meanwhile, if you haven't seen much AIM recently then I'd recommend Liam's Wind Waker series. Particularly the pineapples episode.

Thanks for sticking by us!