March 2, 2016

I Don't Know

Hi All,

On Saturday I uploaded the first episode of Civilization 5. It's done really well so far with 15 views last time I checked. So that's probably going to be #1 in the Top 10 of February. Because it's done so well I don't know if we're doing the wrong thing with sticking to our unofficial schedule of Monday Wednesday and Friday being Poke'mon and Saturday being Civ 5 and later on another game we recorded on Sunday.

On Sunday we got to talk to Frank, and luckily Liam recorded a bit of our conversation before we lost connection with him. We didn't discuss AIM stuff with Frank, and since then we haven't heard from him.

I'll do the Top 10 of February on the weekend depending on if YouTube has calculated everything or not. I've picked the location, so it should be fairly easy to do.

I'm back at Uni now, but that shouldn't impact uploading too much because I'll be home most of the time.

That's pretty much everything.

Bye All!

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